“All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.”

— Rick Rubin


Sea Food Buffet

Gumption is an Asian Cajun fusion sea food buffet. The brand revolves around contemporary design that doesn’t take away from the culture provided by the food.


Indian Grill

Persis is a small, family owned, Indian Restaurant. The branding speaks to the traditions and culture of Indian cuisine with a modern twist.

Etta Baker

Triple Record Set

Etta Baker was an American blues guitarist and singer who played a significant role in the Piedmont blues tradition.

The record set is a re-release of Etta’s biggest hits. There are three different album covers for fans to collect.

Franz Kafka’s

“The Metamorphosis”

The book cover depicts the haunting tale of The Metamorphosis with gothic typography, texture, and deep colors. The design challenge was to create a book cover using only type. Read more to find out how I worked around that challenge.


Resident Artwork Signage

The Aldersgate Retirement Community supports the arts among the residents. The residents’ artwork is on display in the main lobby of the home.

Alders Gate was in need of signage at the entrance of the art exhibit. They also needed place cards to identify the artist and help spread their message.

Image of the designer, Jacob O'Donnell.

About Me

Hey, I’m Jacob OD and I’m a Graphic Designer. I enjoy problem solving and creation. I see creation as the center of what make humans, humans. Without creation humanity stands still.

My goal is to provide beautiful artistry that serves its designed purpose. When I’m not designing, you can find me at the skate park or in a bucket truck.

Have any questions? Feel free to send me a message.